ENGLAND – Children’s rights coalition announces a year of action for greater recognition of children’s rights

Competition launched to mark 20th anniversary of ratification of UNCRC

A groundbreaking coalition of children and young people’s charities, voluntary organisations and statutory bodies will join forces for a year of action to see greater recognition of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and to press for its systematic use and implementation across all areas of children’s lives.

The planning for The Right Year for Children started last week with a nation-wide competition for children and young people to create a universal logo to mark the 20th anniversary this year of the UK Government ratifying the UNCRC on 16 December. Organisations working with children and young people, including the Government and local councils, will be encouraged to use the logo as part of their work and commitment to promote and protect children’s rights.

Maggie Atkinson, Children’s Commissioner for England, said:

“We are honoured to be leading the first full year of systematic action for greater recognition of children’s rights with statutory and non-governmental organisations and children and young people. The UK government ratified the UNCRC 20 years ago, in doing so they promised to use the Convention’s principles as a benchmark for the wellbeing and the best interests of all children and young people. We now want to see the UNCRC recognised as a statutory instrument in this country. The Right Year for Children will press for its systematic implementation by the Government and other relevant bodies.”


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